Health Talents International


Hope, Health and Education for Christian Families

HTI sponsors an adopt-a-child program that aids poverty-stricken families of the Church of Christ in Guatemala. Sponsors in the U.S. provide $40/month per child to provide food, clothing, school supplies, and bi-annual medical and dental check-ups. Sponsors receive a photo and biographical sketch of the child they commit to sponsor. The children write letters to their sponsors periodically throughout the year, and sponsors can write or visit their child in Guatemala if they desire.

There are over seven hundred children from forty-seven congregations currently enrolled in this program. Again, the beauty of the program is that it focuses on the 'whole' child by providing food and clothing plus activities to encourage individual growth in multiple areas--spiritually, educationally, and socially. Each year the children see our medical and dental providers for well-child check-ups, dental cleanings and may even be referred to a surgical clinic to care for any of their surgical needs.

To sponsor a child simply click the button below and send in your sponsor request. Have questions about ABC or sponsoring a child? You may contact Nichole Hall at


New to our sponsorship opportunities is the ABC Prenatal program, an effort to address infant mortality, growth and developmental stunting associated with chronic malnutrition and poor prenatal care.

Whereas the ABC Program is limited to children in school, ABC Prenatal begins with the mother and the child in her womb. By providing prenatal care throughout the pregnancy and postnatal care for four-five years following birth, we believe we can not only dramatically improve the health of both mother and child but pave the way for a better future.

The end result... a healthier child, mother, family, community and church!

Anecdotal Proof: In March of 2022, we teased our highland evangelist about how much taller his son was, a former ABC child, ...a good five inches. His son, now a father himself, immediately responded with a smile and two words. More milk!

The ABC Prenatal program will focus on nutrition, education and more frequent medical checkups. The cost will be the same, $40 per month, with the bulk of your support addressing nutrition.

When you agree to become a sponsor, you are caring for the expectant mother and her child. Once that child reaches school age, you will have the opportunity to transition with your child into our original ABC Program.

To sponsor an expectant mother and child, please click on the link below.

What does ABC stand for? Ayuda para Bienestar Cristiano (which translated means Help for the well being of Christians)